Monday, January 5, 2009

1/06/1979 The day it all began!!!

30 years ago Lizzy was born and we have been enjoying her ever since. Here is to another 30 years and another 30 after that!! This site is a place to celebrate 30 years of  all things Lizzy. Please feel free to leave any thoughts or experiences that you have about Lizzy!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Lizzy!!

  2. Liz,

    I will never forget our years of laughs! I can't believe we are almost 30 ~ I can still distinctly remember our talks from when we were half as young :)

    Things I remember from "Teen Lizzy" include:

    -Writing notes in classes
    -Doing gymanstics around the house
    -Nikki the wonder dog getting into a trance under a plant
    -Posting all 147 photos of Lizzy with her tongue sticking out on my wall
    -Learning about makeup
    -Learning about adnoids
    -Wondering how Pert could possibly make someone's hair so shiny
    -Lizzy letting me drive her car (before I had my license) which was harder to steer than an 18-wheeler
    -The art of putting milk into tea
    -Playing songs to each other over the phone
    -Having water fights in the house (inluding a sink sprayer and a hose!)
    -Lizzy singing "I'm cool like that...I'm chill like that"
    -Walking around singing "Hey Hey We're the monkeys"
    -Realizing that it a lucky thing to have an older brother
    -Running around in the rain with only socks on
    -Taveling to beaches and laying out for hours
    -The feeling of freedom with a best friend
    -The feeling that I was so lucky to know such an amazing spirit

    Liz, here is to a lifetime of sun, rain, laughs, and dreams coming true....

    Much love,

  3. Liz!

    Remember when you said you would take me fishing because I had never been? It was Spring in Utah and the weather was surprisingly nice. We drove out somewhere South of Orem to a lake/body of water...and if I remember correctly our equipment wasn't up to par. So, we took our shirts off and got some sunshine. No one was we think.

    Remember when you were going to study Spanish in Mexico and I convinced you that a 2 week trip to Europe was totally fell for it and we had lots of fun?

    Remember how, along with that trip, came our goal of working out so we were "hot" in Europe? I think we even made a sign that said something like "Get hot for Europe" an it was appropriately placed on the fridge.

    Remember when we didn't see each other for at least 4 years straight because of school, missions and whatever else? And then when we were finally in the same state and city it was only for a couple of days? Lame...but we had cute short hair and thought we were soooo cool.

    Remember how we both married redheads? And Kina too?

    Remember how we can pick up where we left off no matter how long it has been or what has happened and it is so natural?

    Remember staying up until forever in the morning playing Rummikub? I think we laughed more than we ever had before. I'm even thinking we cried a bit.

    Remember how you are so great at remembering special occasions and giving personalized and special gifts?

    Remember how you are deep and caring?
    Remember how you have a unique writing style?
    Remember how I'm so glad we're friends?
    Remember how you are so loved?
    Remember how fun you are to be with?
    Remember how your funky sense of style rocks?
    Remember how successful you are w/ fun creative projects?

    I love you Lizzy.


  4. Liz is one of those people you don't have to speak with very long before you realize her incredible depth, intelligence, insight, and passion for life. One can merely watch her actions and the way she carries herself to realize these qualities she carries. Truly, Liz is lovely inside and out.She respects herself and everyone around her. She has a deep love for people, and knows how to make them feel valued. Perhaps this is because she does genuinely value everyone. Lizzy also has the greatest style! Something else that must stem from her intelligence and the way she views the world. And Lizzy does view the world in a way unique to most. I have always sensed this. And if more people could and would share the same view that Lizzy has, there would be more compassion, more love, more respect for everyone and everyone's own individual paths, and less judging.

    Lizzy, thank you for always being such a noble and honest soul! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  5. Happy Birthday Lizzy!!!

  6. There's no topping a birthday celebration with Chilean DingDongs, cheap vynl floors, and lots of mission love, but I'm sure you'll have fun anyway!
    Love ya hermana!

  7. Hey Liz, Happy Birthday. You know my bestest memories of you are the ones with me, you, fred and mike. We had so much fun that im pretty sure ive never had that much fun since. I loved being in the car for FOREVER playing spades while Mike drove and we went to Niagra Falls. How fun was that trip! Remember the Fudge we went back for over and over? Still want some, it was so good. All the times we spent at my "house" Those were the great days for me! I hope you have a marvelous birthday and i really hope to see you soon. My baby needs to meet you. Love you,
    Love Andrea

  8. Um... when your a strange little dancing social worker artist freak like me it can often be difficult to find people that understand why having dreams is so important. Lizzy, with your zest for life, elaborate dreams, compassion, and sensitivity you are a kindred spirit. I am so glad you came into my life by marrying my endearing red headed brother-in-law and humbling him with the fact that you are just as cool as he is. We will turn thirty together, we'll dream together, we've cried together, and for that and more I will love you forever.
    Happy Birthday Lizzy!!

  9. Hi Liz,

    It must be just wonderful to have your Birthday right after Christmas and New Year's Day! Party on!

    It is a pleasure to be working with a such cute, smart, funny person like you!

    I hope tomorrow will be THE PERFECT DAY, and 2009 will be the perfect year, filled with Love, Fun, and Laughter.


  10. Liz,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love talking with you and hearing your perspectives on life and the world. I'm so glad I met you and I hope we can remain friends for a very long time.

    All the best,

  11. Dear Liz,

    Happy, Happy Birthday to you. I wish you a very special day and a great year. I enjoy working with you and appreciate your friendship.

    Warm wishes, Kris

  12. Lizzy,
    I hope you have the happiest birthday ever!! I have a few memories with you really, and most of them have to do with you helping me!! You've always been there even when we haven't seen or talked to each other I've always known you would be there because that's the kind of loving caring person that you are. I'm so appreciative of your friendship and the memories we've had together. I have a few right off the top of my head:
    -When I first met you I would come over to your house all the time because of my roommate who had a few screws loose. I was always worried I was annoying coming over that much but you were so understanding.
    -Rockclimbing and hiking and going boating.
    -Bird feeder butt crack!! (Remember that guy riding his bike??)
    -Your chocolate chip cookies!! You would always make them for me cause you knew how much I loved them!!
    -Leaving me notes that were so uplifting and kind, nobody has EVER done that for me.

    There are plenty more but those are the ones that stick out the most!! I love you!! I'm so grateful to know you and thank Heavenly Father for your friendship.

    Have a great birthday!!

    Nicole W.

  13. Happy happy birthday! Liz, you are an amazing person; your strength, wisdom, and enthusiasm are all things I truly admire. Wishing you a wonderful year full of warm fuzzies, adventures, hugs, and laughter.

    Lots of love,

  14. Liz! Happy Birthday! Kyle is so sweet for putting this together for you. I hope you get to celebrate in whatever way you like best. I'm glad we're friends. You're such a fun person to be around!

    Hello 30!

  15. Happy 30, Liz!!!

    You and Zarin were my very first friends in Sudbury and I distinctly recall wearing coolots when I met you cuz I was CLUELESS. Nevertheless, you were so friendly and welcoming and fun and you made my scary 7th grade move to a new town a happy one. I also clearly remember the shocking transformation when you chopped off your permed hair - to this day, you remain in my Top 5 Best Heads of Hair. Just like Sandee said, how can Pert make hair so thick and shiny and perfect?

    Wishing you a GRAND 30!

    Love, Michelle

  16. lizzy!! happy 3oth you old dog! wish i was there to serve you!! all my love.. sarah

  17. Liz! You have brought such a fresh perspective into the community impact department...I don't know what we would do without you! Thank you for keeping us all moving forward and positive. Thank you also for all the great talks we have about everything and for your friendship. Good luck to you in this new decade of life, I know you will live it to the fullest and have many great adventures.

    Here's to the rich hippie dream! Happy Birthday! Love you, Jerilyn

  18. Hey Liz!

    Just wanted to give you a shout out and congratulate you on the big 3-0! We are all getting SO old, huh? Anyhow, my memories of you are definitely from and Sandee thought that you guys were the coolest Freshmen in the whole damn school! You guys did rock though and I am glad that you were always there to support Sandee. We all definitely had some fun together...

    At any rate, Happy Birthday, Liz...I hope that you have a really great day! Take care and stay in touch!

    Chris Terrio

  19. Heh Giz!
    Its your birthday, its your birthday!
    I smile at the day,,,,,Brett was so excited about you,,,,"this is exciting" he said, I can still hear him,,,,let's see, you sucked your toes as we wondered what you would sound like when you finally you loved wearing pants, not dresses and we wondered about that we loved your tight, shaking hugs,,,,and big belly,,,,"Liz-a belly"...still,,,haha,,,,,sweet,,,into horses, the piano,,,,Dad;s cooking.....I wish I could do every single day over again with you,,,every single one,,,,much love always,,,,Your MAMA

  20. Happy Birthday Liz! I hope your 30th is one to remember. Love you Em

  21. Dearest Liz,
    Wishing you joy and happiness on this birthday and each day that follows. I return this thought which you sent to me some time ago. "Just so you know.... I'll never finish loving you". Dad

  22. you're cuter than a thumb tack and sharper than a well sharpened knife. happy birthday.

    -Ryan S. Darton

  23. Dear Lizzy,
    Happy 30th Birthday!! I always loved making you laugh acting like an idiot with Brett. Have a great day do what you want like Cartman. Love,

  24. Happy Birthday Lizzy!
    Thanks so much for thinking about us over the holidays. You are such an incredible person and are definitely in our thoughts on your special day and many others. Much happiness and love today and always--naomi and richard
    ps--hope to see you in New York soon!

  25. HAPPY 30th Birthday Liz! Wishing you the happiness in the world on your Birthday. Things that always make me smile when I think of you....your contagious laugh, and that warm smile that always made me happy. You have an incredible spirit Liz. I hope you have the best Birthday ever! Sending you LOTS of Love!!
    ~~Jen Heywood :-)

  26. Happy 30th Birthday Lizzard Breath/Lizzard Gizzard/Lizzard Blizzard! I remember our roadtrip to California. What an adventure. And dinner at Grandma Roundy's House. Can't believe you're 30 now. Have an awesome birthday! --Loren, Cari, Jacob, Jared, & Joshua Roundy--

  27. Happy Birthday!
    My sweetest memory is the day we became sisters, but in fact we have always been sisters and we will always be sisters.
    All my love.

  28. Happy Birthday Lizzy!! Wow what memory to pick?! There are so many to choose from! One of my most favoritest (is that a word? haha) memories is that summer we were hanging around SLC and we both had really short hair. I think it's when I worked at the Macoroni Grill...We both had super short hair and because we were always together people always made comments about us being lesbians and we couldn't figure out what they were talking about. So one day we were traveling somewhere (can't remember where, Cali maybe or Zion's) and we'd both just had our hair cut really short and mine was kind of in this fashion fouxhawk thingy. And we took a picture of us on our adventuring and when we finally got the photo developed we totally did look like lesbians!!! HAHA! We were shocked and that's when we decided to start growing our hair out longer! I still have the picture! Hilarious! good times! Hope your bday is awesome!!! I miss those good times!
    Luv ya friend! ~Kina

  29. Dear Liz,

    Happy birthday! I hope you have a fabulous day and a fabulous decade. I'm glad that you are a part of the community impact team and I can't imagine what we would do with out you. It is fun to have someone to share so many things with, including my aversion to working out :) Here is to a new year, a new decade, and new adventures!

    Mary Anne

  30. Liz,

    I can't believe you're already 30! It seems like only yesterday when we were reinacting Little Mermaid in my parents pool and playing truth or dare in Drew Nichols's basement. Talk about crazy times!

    You've really grown up over the years and I'm so happy I was there for it all--from Kindergarden all the way through that one time me and you and Kyle and James sat in your living room talking about So You Think You Can Dance.

    Here's to continuing to be Best Friends Forever.

    - Lauren

  31. Happy Birthday, Liz!! Welcome to Club 30. We've been waiting for you. You'll love it here. Seriously, I turned 30 in October, and I should have done it 10 years ago. You'll love it. Have a great day and a great year! Nancy

  32. Happy Birthday Liz!!! I have so many great memories with you. Some of my favorite I'll keep Vague, in case of one us decides to run for office one day!

    I remember sleeping over a lot, borrowing your clothes mostly cords, abercronbie shirts and your brown suede clogs. I remember going to your house to check on Nikki to find she threw up everywhere (this was frequent)! I remember driving the Civic when I would do the gas, you the brake--very safe! Then you got the Pathfinder that was so exciting for us! I remember "studying" for some awful math exam all night at your parent's kitchen table and not doing so well--oops. Being so excited to have dinner with your family when Brett came home (fine, I had a crush on your brother). Gloucester (enough said)! Senior skip day at your house. When you got your nose surgery I wacked you in the face just hours later(I felt so bad!).

    But most of all I remember what a great friend you are. How you always had a kind word for everyone. How you and I would laugh for hours, and somehow never argue or get sick of each other (well maybe you did but didn't tell me!). I'm lucky to have a friend like you, and I'm so happy you were born. Happy 30th Birthday! Hope to see you soon!


  33. I know this is almost after the fact but I have some of the best memories of my days with you! Think pink courderoys and side ponytails. Or even better town softball t-'s, keds, and white socks. We were so fashionable even at a ripe young age.

    But I can remember a special memory with you in it at each important point in my life--early days, middle school, high school, in the year when we both lived in Dudsbury, surprising me at my bachelorette party! I love you friend. You mean so much to me and I am so happy to have you in my life.

    Feliz cumpleanos! Can't wait to see what's waiting ahead for you!

  34. Hey Liz, remember that time we sat in your living room for 30 minutes and talked about tv? And that other time when-- Oh. Wait. Anyway, happy birthday!

  35. Liz! Now you really know what a slacker I am at checking facebook. But--even though it is late--i am so glad to get the opportunity to tell you Happy
    Birthday and to tell you how awesome you are. I am so glad that Jeff has great friends like Kyle and I'm even more glad that his friends have such good taste in choosing their wives. From the first time Jeff introduced me to you guys (which was before you were married, but it seemed evident even then that you would get married) I thought you guys were so interesting (not like "weird-interesting", but "interesting" like unique, insightful people who were interested in learning about things and who had interesting things to contribute to conversations). Since then we have had many a great adventure (hiking to Jeff's cabin each year, camping at Maple Canyon, climbing, biking--or at least watching the boys, and all sorts of parties). I always love hanging out with you two. I will be really sad when you take off for Peace Corps, but I know we will get to hear all the updates of the amazing work you will accomplish. Thanks for being a great friend!
    Erin Johnson
